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By: Marley Abowitz (BC ‘24)

Hey readers! Many individuals encounter challenges when applying for their first jobs and internships in computer science, especially considering the catch-22 situation where experience is needed to gain experience. Here are some tips to enhance your resume by acquiring experience and skills outside of the classroom.

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand yourself before deciding what path to take. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses in terms of commitment and accountability. For instance, some may struggle with self-paced learning but excel when there are structured commitments and external accountability.

Now, let’s explore some options to bolster your resume:

  • Online Classes: If you thrive in self-paced learning environments, the internet offers a plethora of options. Websites like edX and Coursera provide thousands of free computer science courses covering various topics such as AI, human-computer interaction, and game design. Additionally, specialized language courses can help you master specific programming languages. Tailor your choices based on course duration, difficulty level, and intensity.
  • Tutorials and Guided Projects: Completing tutorials is another excellent way to enhance specific stills like learning to use specific applications or programming environments. Platforms like Amazon Web Services and W3schools offer free tutorials on cloud computing, programming, and more. Identify the skills required for your target job or internship and seek relevant tutorials online. Guided projects are tutorials that guide you through different projects. These are great because they allow you to actually apply your knowledge.
  • Start Your Own Project: Initiating a personal project demonstrates initiative, creativity, and practical skills. Dedicate time to brainstorming ideas and allocate time for project development. You can even approach professors to enroll in independent study courses and receive academic credit for your project, for example the Barnard course APPLIED COMPUTING - RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES.

If self-paced learning isn’t your preferred method, don’t fret! There are alternative options:

  • Structured Online Courses: Look for online courses that follow a structured schedule or are paced by the computer. While these might be fewer in number, they offer unique skills and learning experiences.
  • Join Student Projects: Participate in collaborative projects such as the iStudent project at Columbia. If no suitable projects are available, consider initiating one and collaborating with fellow students, don’t be afraid to reach out to your peers!
  • Attend In-Person Lectures: Attend lectures hosted by Columbia and Barnard to gain insights from industry professionals and academics. Engaging with real people allows you to seek advice and learn about industry trends firsthand.
  • Attend conferences and hackathons.

Overall, when crafting your resume, explore the array options available for acquiring new computer science skills. Conduct thorough research, plan your learning journey, and leverage the wealth of resources available on the internet. With determination and strategic planning, you can enhance your skill set and stand out in the competitive job market.


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