Day in the Life of a Freshman CS Student
By: Rachel Boroda (Barnard ‘27)
Hellooooo WiCS blog readers! Welcome to the Day in the Life series, where I’ll feature blog posts dedicated to a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior studying computer science. For the inaugural post, I’ll share a bit about myself!
My name is Rachel, and I’m a first-year at Barnard (prospectively) majoring in Math and Computer Science. Since I took Data Structures last semester and am taking Advanced Programming next semester, my CS course-load this semester is a little lighter than that of most freshmen who may be taking Intro to Java, Data Structures, or AP!
9:00am I wake up to the sun shining directly into my face. The day has begun! While I don’t have class on Tuesdays until 11:40, I always have some homework to catch up on. Last Friday, I wasn’t able to watch the recitation for Discrete Math, so I use this time to watch the recording and review the content.
It’s time to get some fuel for the day. My roommate and I head to Liz’s Place, the cafe on Barnard’s campus. At Liz’s Place, we chat for a bit over coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Afterward, I set out for Uris–just a short walk away.
My first class of the day is Discrete Mathematics with Prof. Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi. It’s part of the CS Core, and the material in class is super approachable–a great introduction to logical thinking.
12:55pm Once Discrete is over, it’s time for my second and last class of the day. I walk over to Hamilton Hall and trek up the stairs to the sixth floor.
1:10pm Now, I have Honors Math B, the second semester of the two-part Honors Math sequence (a rigorous proof-based approach to Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus) with Prof. George Dragomir. Though it’s challenging, Prof. Dragomir’s passion for the subject is one of the reasons why I plan to also major in mathematics. It truly is a fascinating class.
2:25pm After math, I meet up with a few friends at John Jay to catch up and eat lunch before we hit the books.
The time has come to make my way over to Butler Library. There are three of us, which makes finding a table a little challenging. First, I double-check my submission for the Discrete Math coding assignment (in Python) due tonight. Then, I open Overleaf and start on a written problem set for the same class.
I switch over to my First Year Writing Seminar homework. I need to perform a close listening exercise on Louis Armstrong’s “(What Did I Do To Be So) Black And Blue” and craft a discussion post on CourseWorks. Overall, successful work session!
I pack up and walk back to my dorm just in time to catch the sunset. There, I start reading over the class notes for Honors Math.
I pack up and head to Uris for a quick meeting before grabbing dinner at Chef Mike’s.
8:15pm - 11:30pm I head back across Broadway to Barnard. Once I get to my dorm, I settle in for the night. I work on a couple of applications for the summer and look over the assigned articles for my Russia and the West class tomorrow morning. Then, I read, shower, and head to bed. Goodnight!
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