shutterstockOffice Photo credit: Bilyana Dimitrova

Shutterstock recently invited WICS to their office, where we met some of their engineers. Augustina Ragwitz (Software Engineer), Fotios Lindiakos (Software Engineer), Allan Feid (Infrastructure Engineer) and Julianna Press (UX Designer) took a break from the company’s internal hackathon, Code Rage, to chat with WICS about the technical challenges and culture at Shutterstock and how to succeed in classes and internships (gaining a breadth of CS knowledge and discovering a passion for a particular topic were two key ingredients). After the panel, the Shutterstock team treated WICS to a tour of their office in the Empire State Building, replete with game rooms, a library and a yoga room.

Augustina wrote a blog post to share with budding software engineers, containing actionable tips for how to grow as a developer. Thanks Shutterstock, for encouraging WICS to reach our potential!